Saturday, March 10, 2012

How can I represent that maths is used in communication with help of a model?

What model could I make to represent the usage of maths in communication?How can I represent that maths is used in communication with help of a model?
OK in digital communication a checksum is used to ensure the integrity of the binary bits sent say from a computer to a peripheral or vice versa. A cyclic redundancy check CRC uses a more sophisticated nth degree polynomial alogorithm to test the integrity of the code, and can depending on the degree of the polynomial used guarantee integrity to within 2^n bits etc.

For secure transmission of data encoding and decoding information uses the prime factors of a v large number such that these factors cannot be worked out even by computers in 'polynomial time'

These are examples, but how you would demonstr8 them using electronic circuits..haven't a clue!How can I represent that maths is used in communication with help of a model?
Dunno, but you could ask Kate Moss what 2+2 is, she if she knows, I very much doubt it! Does this help? lol

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