Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What are some unwritten rules about nonverbal communication?

For example, one unwritten rule for nonverbal communication is that it's acceptable to look at each other for 1 to 2 seconds, but extending gazing (staring) is not socially acceptable and can create conflict between two or more people.What are some unwritten rules about nonverbal communication?
Verbal communication is LANGUAGE. Written communication is still verbal. Nonverbal communication is everything else.

Other unwritten rules can deal with touch (haptics) and proxemics (space). Depending on the relationship and context, touch might be allowed or strictly off limits. Same thing with the use of space. Again dependent on the situation, you might allow someone to get in your personal or intimate space while others must remain at social or public distances or they violate expectations.

Body orientation is another expectation. When talking with someone, you expect that they should have open body orientation, lean forward (active listening traits).

Some gestures are only reserved for specific locations (you would never flip the bird at church). And tone, volume of voice too. Your mother expects you not to have "that tone" or to raise your voice to her while it might be acceptable with others.

We expect certain response latencies too. Simple questions require little thought and if the response takes too long it can cause frustration. Vice versa, complex questions answered too quickly makes us think the other didn't really think about it.

If you need some more ideas, make an edit and I will try to think of some more.What are some unwritten rules about nonverbal communication?
Well, it depends. Non-verbal communication could mean communication expressed solely through body language, or it could be through text/written correspondence.

Could I get some more information?

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