Saturday, February 25, 2012

How can my husband and I improve our communication?

We are lacking in this area. I am very expressive and like to talk openly about my feelings, he is more reserved and prefers to bottle them up. We both have quick tempers and are stubborn. We butt heads alot, and I think it is because our communication skills aren't very strong. I know that communication is one of the most important things in a marriage, so what are some tips on improving communication?How can my husband and I improve our communication?
Go to the library and get a book by Dr. Phil on relationships their is a lot of good advice in their
This is the biggest hurdle in relationship's to conquer.We all know that communication between people is very important,especially if you want to accomplish anything in a meaningful relationship.

We all think that we have plenty of open,honest communication with our partners.But in fact,we very seldom talk about what we think or how we truely honestly feel inside.Most of us,even though we won't admit it,never really open up completely with anyone.We are afraid of being judged,laughed at or maybe we might get our egos bruised,which noone likes to be embarrassed.

What I would suggest is to look into a couples retreat or maybe you can find some evening class at a community college that offers a class in ,"How to communicate with your partner.",or just a communiaction class that you can both attend,so each of you can understand the concept on the same level.That way each of you will be able to see their own weaknesses and hopefully you will then take the skills learned and be on your way to a much healthier and happier life together.

**** I AM IN THE PLAYPEN WITH MILDRED***How can my husband and I improve our communication?
I think that you two sound like a pretty typical couple. Man who's reserved vs. woman who is opened to communication-that's as close to normal as it gets. I don't really know the full spectrum of your issues as a couple, but if the relationship is important enough to you both, then I would suggest couples counseling. I really do hope that you two make it. I am always glad when I hear someone who wants an honest answer, to a real, solvable problem. I'm so tired of all of the idiots who ask questions about how to go about having a threesome, or stupid $#%# like that.
As women, we are more emotional, while men are more logical in their thinking.. but that doesn't mean they don't have emotional feelings too.

Men tend to take problems and roll them around trying to find solutions. I do believe it's very frustrating for them when they can't find an answer.

the two of you might try books on marriage and communication, or even a marriage counselor to learn how to relate to each other without arguing.

sometimes we need to take time out when discussions start getting heated. sometimes we need to compromise... other times we really need to try to see our partner's side (this works both ways), just for the sake of looking at his or her ideas, too. and many times, we must agree to disagree.

all the best.How can my husband and I improve our communication?
Well first off has things always been this way? Funny how we tend to overlook things and then they get to the point where they fester up. You are right communication is the most important and most difficult part of a relationship. I Still catch myself not expressing myself as i should. And i know she does as well even though she won't admit it. It's so much easier to keep it bottled up then to open up when you know it could cause an argument. Counseling is a good way to go. Sometimes i think we should do a bit of it ourselves.
Well, in your situation you should probably consider taking some marriage improvement courses or talk to a TRAINED AND LICENSED therapist. If you call your health insurance provider they can give you a list of qualified therapists in your area. Most insurance companies will also pay for up to 6 sessions.
Most important words I ever heard were..Pick your battles. Often adding humor relaxes the situation at hand. Something like you can be right or you can be happy works for the petty stuff. Oh... Oh, I see and Oh, I see, I'm sorry you feel that way is a suble way of calming a progressing argument. If you remain calm and use words like... when you... then I...this can help. The second it turns into a loud argument it's wasted time and pointless to continue. The mature one who stands by and says little at that point is the opinion later considered. Good luck.
my dear friend if you are sound and your husband is reserved there is one think because every reserved person has lots of in his mind to tell and to express but he cant able to express that just give him one diary and tell him write all thing that you want to tell me all if it is bad thing of me and it is good thing of me just write all thing what u have think to day for me and what u want to tell me write all this in this diary finish and also give him one tape recorder and tell him if u don't wish to write and you are bore to write then record all your word in this tape recorder by closing the door and after that i will listen it and we make our life with more fun and happiness and you said that you both are of quick tempers then when your husband comes for quarrel just listen all thing what he want to say because he is reserved this is the time when he open up so if you feel bad then also and if you want to answer him then also just keep silence no answer to him and on another day you tell him that you said that thing on yesterday is wrong or right after huge thinking that you are right and i have to take care for that and see the magic your communication gape also close and have nice communication after three or four time of this type of repetition thanks and have a nice life
to imoprve your communicate you should talk with each other everday and if you have problems you don't leave it you should share ideas together what u ike and what you don't like two of you will know and don't let other dispponited with each other you try to talk good thing with each other it will help your communicate to be better
You need to be quit enough for him to Communicate believe im like you and i like to Express my feeling and my husbands the same way i will be the one talking and he will just sit there and it makes me mad that he doesn't talk back tell him you want to talk in a nice tone even if you are outraged when us woman get all crazy and go into our ranting stage men tend to shut down or say very few words and they seem to say stuff that digs deep you have allow him to talk which i mean by shutting up and asking how he feels, sorry if i sound harm im not trying to im just getting straight to the point without trying to candy coat it. Ive learned that when im mad i rant and that why he doesnt want to talk
Read the Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands. Lots of ideas in how you can change your behavior which leads to his changing his. Get up every morning and think what can I do today, to make my hubby happy. He will soon respond in kind. Good luck!
hey, i was thinking about chapman's book, too. It is good.

It will only help you take the first step. There are a lot of pride issues that will still have to be overcome but chapman's book is still one good step.
Everyone communicates differently, and not just by talking. He needs to open up, and you may want to ramp down a bit. Check out Gary Chapman's Five Love Languages book.
Hey girl. IM me %26amp; we can talk about it. My fiance %26amp; I have been through this so I might be able to help you out.

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