Saturday, March 10, 2012

What books/workshops do you suggest to increase my Communication Skills in an informal setting?

I want to increase my Communication Skills in an Informal Setting especially when with a large group of Friends,or with a distant Uncle. It is not that I am awful in dealing those kind of situations but I would like myself to be much more confident and more expressive.

Any books or Workshops or Videos idea are welcome.What books/workshops do you suggest to increase my Communication Skills in an informal setting?
I attended a workshop conducted my a gentleman named Michael Hargrove a few years back that proved to be very beneficial in the career I was working in. He conducted a 1-day workshop that covered not only verbal communication skills, but also body language, mannerisms, facial expressions %26amp; tone. His training seminar also touched on the ways that different personality types respond when speaking and processing their thoughts before responding to verbal prompts. Communication and human interaction is SO MUCH MORE involved than just a persons words. Although I was there for the benefit of my automotive sales career, I believe Mr. Hargrove conducts these success seminars for other vocational fields as well, if he doesn't he should! He is somebody I'd google up and look into....GOOD LUCK!

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