Saturday, March 10, 2012

How do you regain communication in a relationship?

my girlfriend is hard to talk to. like i never know what to say to start an interesting conversation. we used to be able to talk and have interesting conversations but now I just don't know what to say anymore. what do i do to regain that communication?How do you regain communication in a relationship?
say any random non offensive, non sexist, interesting thing that you think she will be interested in. doesnt matter what its about. just blurt it out. cant blame you for trying.How do you regain communication in a relationship?
The same problem your explaining is why I believe in both people working = because you each have something new to bring into conversations. But in your case...

Start thinking about your future, men think more of here and now, because they don't have children and worry about the years of raising them so our brains are wired to suit our evolutionary paths (my opinion.)

So think of such subjects, where do you want to retire, what do you want to be doing with that spare time, which will clue you into her interests.

Take classes together make be cooking so that on your day off you may be able to cook dinner for her, whats her favorite dish, whats her biggest worry.

Sex is always a hard subject but a great place to start, one lays back the other listens for feed back to find new ways to improve that area of your life's.How do you regain communication in a relationship?
Just be yourself. Ask her about what she wants to do. Ask her out. See if there is anything you can do for her. See if she wants to go see a movie. Invite her to your house or go to hers and watch it.
We have the same problem. Counselor told us to read The Five Love Languages.

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